I love early mornings especially on weekends, the light at that time of the day is truely inspiring, which is when I love to take alot of photos. Now, considering I work a full time job you would think I would sleep in...BUT thanks to my little buddy, Toby, it isn't about to happen. So I make the best of it to take the time just to enjoy the peacefullness of it all (that's after he gets his morning treat of course, even before I get MY cup of coffee). In fact I haven't even had time to put all the Christmas things up as you can see in the reflection in the mirror. The things we do for the animals we love....

Toby, in his chair (needing a bath,which he HATES) by the way, any chair is HIS chair. For that fact any surface that doesn't move is his if he so decides. Did I mention he rules the roost? You just gotta love em! He was a major comfort to me during chemo and continues to be so, how can I say no? So this is just a little tribute to the animals in our life, mine in particular, that in their own small way end up giving far more than what we often give back.
P.S. He will be getting extra (healthy) dog treats today!