You might notice the black wrought iron charger in the table setting, that is the same charger that I was discussing a few posts ago, it is really quite versatile. I also carried over the black in the silverware and in the footed iron piece holding the bagels and fruit. In doing a table setting it is important to carry over the theme and its colors thru the table design. I chose to bring out the blues, and the reddish colors and even the golds of the rooster along with those colors in the dishes. If you incorporate the colors and even the metals throughout the setting it will always work out.
Again, this is another beautiful setting, you did a fabulous job of pulling all the colors together and using texture too! Love it!!
All you need now is a romance novel and your set.
You have some proud looking roosters on your table.
I love all of your roosters from all the table settings! I am totally rooster crazy! :)
Thank you ladies. :)
You know, I don't think I have ever seen orange juice look so GOOD! WOW! The colors are wonderful! And of course your wonderfully landscaped back yard as a back drop MAKES the setting so much more inviting!!!
This table setting is STUNNING! I love your ceramic chickens (I have a number of them myself that I just cherish), and that iron charger is great. I'm so happy I discovered your blog! :-)
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